Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The World of Radio Control Nitro Cars

While electric models may be less expensive and easier to operate, "gas" powered radio control nitro cars and trucks have the definite edge when it comes to realism and performance. These RC cars are NOT powered by gasoline-they use a special fuel, commonly referred to as "glow fuel" or "nitro." But they do capture the sights and sounds of real, full-size racing like no electric can. The nitro RC car engines roar powerfully...exhaust vapors trail your machine...and the speeds are unbelievable (up to 80 mph!)

There is a huge variety to choose from: trucks, buggies, sedans, stock cars and more. Many come in "sport" or "competition" versions. First-timers might prefer the sport models gas powered rc cars for their lower cost, though if you're set on racing your radio control nitro cars you may want some competition features, such as ball bearings and oil shocks. When you choose a nitro RC car, make sure you understand what it does and does not include. Some kits already come with an engine. Competition-level cars provide the basic chassis, but often require you to purchase an engine and body separately.

You can control radio control nitro cars with the same type of 2-channel radio system used for an electric model. The one difference is that you will also need batteries to power the receiver in your vehicle. There is no battery pack for this RC cars motor that might also be used to power the receiver.

Some gas powered RC cars are powered by 4-cycle small internal combustion "glow" engines but most use a 2-cycle unit. They burn a nitromethane-based fuel that includes special lubricants for engine protection.

In addition to glow fuel, a number of fuel accessories are available that make it easier to operate radio control nitro cars. To get the fuel from its container into your model's tank, for example, you can use a Fuel Pump (powered and hand-crank options are available), suction-type Fuel Bulb, or a small Fuel Bottle with specially angled neck for reaching easily into confined areas. And fuel filters, installed in the fuel lines, will trap impurities before they can reach and possibly damage your RC cars engine.

Full-size automobile engines use spark plugs that ignite fuel with a spark...glow engines use a "glow plug" that, once heated with a battery-powered "glow starter," hold that heat to continue igniting the glow fuel as you race. Your radio control nitro cars engine may or may not come with a glow plug. Regardless, you will need additional plugs because they do need to be replaced-it's always a good idea to take several spares with you to the track for your RC cars. The glow starter, too, must be purchased separately.

You now have an assembled nitro RC car or truck, a radio, an engine and fuel. That covers the basic equipment that makes an assembled gas model ready race. But you need a few additional items to transform it from a static machine to a radio control nitro cars that springs into action at your command. Those include the following pieces of track equipment. (Remember, the vast majority of these are one-time purchases. Buy them once and you're all set for a long, thrilling nitro RC car racing career!)

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